// // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits // // of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting // // source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the // // original comment or credit authors. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // $xoopsOption['pagetype'] = "search"; include 'mainfile.php'; $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $xoopsConfigSearch =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(XOOPS_CONF_SEARCH); if ($xoopsConfigSearch['enable_search'] != 1) { header('Location: '.XOOPS_URL.'/index.php'); exit(); } $action = "search"; if (!empty($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } $query = ""; if (!empty($_GET['query'])) { $query = trim($_GET['query']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['query'])) { $query = trim($_POST['query']); } $andor = "AND"; if (!empty($_GET['andor'])) { $andor = $_GET['andor']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['andor'])) { $andor = $_POST['andor']; } $mid = $uid = $start = 0; if ( !empty($_GET['mid']) ) { $mid = intval($_GET['mid']); } elseif ( !empty($_POST['mid']) ) { $mid = intval($_POST['mid']); } if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) { $uid = intval($_GET['uid']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['uid'])) { $uid = intval($_POST['uid']); } if (!empty($_GET['start'])) { $start = intval($_GET['start']); } elseif (!empty($_POST['start'])) { $start = intval($_POST['start']); } if (!empty($_GET['mids'])) { $mids = $_GET['mids']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['mids'])) { $mids = $_POST['mids']; } $queries = array(); if ($action == "results") { if ($query == "") { redirect_header("search.php",1,_SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } elseif ($action == "showall") { if ($query == "" || empty($mid)) { redirect_header("search.php",1,_SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } elseif ($action == "showallbyuser") { if (empty($mid) || empty($uid)) { redirect_header("search.php",1,_SR_PLZENTER); exit(); } } $groups = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser -> getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS; $gperm_handler = & xoops_gethandler( 'groupperm' ); $available_modules = $gperm_handler->getItemIds('module_read', $groups); if ($action == 'search') { include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/header.php'; include 'include/searchform.php'; $search_form->display(); include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/footer.php'; exit(); } if ( $andor != "OR" && $andor != "exact" && $andor != "AND" ) { $andor = "AND"; } $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); if ($action != 'showallbyuser') { if ( $andor != "exact" ) { $ignored_queries = array(); // holds kewords that are shorter than allowed minmum length $temp_queries = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $query); foreach ($temp_queries as $q) { $q = trim($q); if (strlen($q) >= $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']) { $queries[] = $myts->addSlashes($q); } else { $ignored_queries[] = $myts->addSlashes($q); } } if (count($queries) == 0) { redirect_header('search.php', 2, sprintf(_SR_KEYTOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min'])); exit(); } } else { $query = trim($query); if (strlen($query) < $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']) { redirect_header('search.php', 2, sprintf(_SR_KEYTOOSHORT, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min'])); exit(); } $queries = array($myts->addSlashes($query)); } } switch ($action) { case "results": $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('hassearch', 1)); $criteria->add(new Criteria('isactive', 1)); $criteria->add(new Criteria('mid', "(".implode(',', $available_modules).")", 'IN')); $modules =& $module_handler->getObjects($criteria, true); if (empty($mids) || !is_array($mids)) { unset($mids); $mids = array_keys($modules); } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php"; echo "


\n"; echo _SR_KEYWORDS.':'; if ($andor != 'exact') { foreach ($queries as $q) { echo ' '.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).''; } if (!empty($ignored_queries)) { echo '
'; printf(_SR_IGNOREDWORDS, $xoopsConfigSearch['keyword_min']); foreach ($ignored_queries as $q) { echo ' '.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).''; } } } else { echo ' "'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($queries[0])).'"'; } echo '
'; foreach ($mids as $mid) { $mid = intval($mid); if ( in_array($mid, $available_modules) ) { $module =& $modules[$mid]; $results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, 5, 0); echo "


"; $count = count($results); if (!is_array($results) || $count == 0) { echo "


"; } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != "") { echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($module->getVar( "; } else { echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($module->getVar( "; } echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($results[$i]['title'])."
\n"; echo ""; $results[$i]['uid'] = intval($results[$i]['uid']); if ( !empty($results[$i]['uid']) ) { $uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($results[$i]['uid']); echo "  ".$uname."\n"; } echo $results[$i]['time'] ? " (". formatTimestamp(intval($results[$i]['time'])).")" : ""; echo "
\n"; } if ( $count == 5 ) { $search_url = XOOPS_URL.'/search.php?query='.urlencode(stripslashes(implode(' ', $queries))); $search_url .= "&mid=$mid&action=showall&andor=$andor"; echo '

'; } } } unset($results); unset($module); } include "include/searchform.php"; $search_form->display(); break; case "showall": case 'showallbyuser': include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php"; $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $module =& $module_handler->get($mid); $results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, 20, $start, $uid); $count = count($results); if (is_array($results) && $count > 0) { $next_results =& $module->search($queries, $andor, 1, $start + 20, $uid); $next_count = count($next_results); $has_next = false; if (is_array($next_results) && $next_count == 1) { $has_next = true; } echo "


\n"; if ($action == 'showall') { echo _SR_KEYWORDS.':'; if ($andor != 'exact') { foreach ($queries as $q) { echo ' '.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($q)).''; } } else { echo ' "'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($queries[0])).'"'; } echo '
'; } // printf(_SR_FOUND,$count); // echo "
"; printf(_SR_SHOWING, $start+1, $start + $count); echo "
"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (isset($results[$i]['image']) && $results[$i]['image'] != '') { echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($module->getVar( "; } else { echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($module->name())." "; } echo "".$myts->makeTboxData4Show($results[$i]['title'])."
\n"; echo ""; $results[$i]['uid'] = intval($results[$i]['uid']); if ( !empty($results[$i]['uid']) ) { $uname = XoopsUser::getUnameFromId($results[$i]['uid']); echo "  ".$uname."\n"; } echo $results[$i]['time'] ? " (". formatTimestamp(intval($results[$i]['time'])).")" : ""; echo "
\n"; } echo ' '; $search_url = XOOPS_URL.'/search.php?query='.urlencode(stripslashes(implode(' ', $queries))); $search_url .= "&mid=$mid&action=$action&andor=$andor"; if ($action=='showallbyuser') { $search_url .= "&uid=$uid"; } if ( $start > 0 ) { $prev = $start - 20; echo ' '; } echo ' '; if (false != $has_next) { $next = $start + 20; $search_url_next = $search_url."&start=$next"; echo ' '; } echo '
'; $search_url_prev = $search_url."&start=$prev"; echo ''._SR_PREVIOUS.'  '._SR_NEXT.'

'; } else { echo '


'; } include "include/searchform.php"; $search_form->display(); echo '

'; break; } include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php"; ?>